TOUGALOO COLLEGE: when history met the future in 1997, two anthologies were published-- Miller, Nyari and Howard Rambsy II, eds. Black Thoughts at the Fork of the Stream: An anthology of Tougaloo students' creative works . Tougaloo, MS: Tougaloo College Journalism Department, 1997. Cover illustration "Black Thoughts at the Fork of the Stream" by Torkwase Dyson. Includes work by Howard Rambsy II, Shelia Bonner, Kashelia B. Jackson, Michael McLendon, Chris Harmon, Kimm, Nyari Miller, Dameon D. Williams, Jeremy D-Wayne Chico Hodge, Malcolm Woodland, Lakeitha Bassett, Victoria Johnson, Samecia Mint Rambsy , Howard, II, ed. Souls on Fyaah: A Collection of Thoughts on African American Males . Tougaloo, MS; Howard Rambsy II, 1997. Cover illustrations by Trkwase Dyson. Includes work by Joe Martin,Nyari Miller, WEBO (Denise L. Banks), Sharon Moncure, Patrucj Sutton, Jimmie Lee Morris, Jr., Shugana L. C...