the empty parking lot
(for C. Liegh McInnis)
Yesterday ---it might have been already tomorrow--
pandemic authorizes no certainty---
we saw what you saw
in inept parking lots of indifference---
all those invisible spirit cameras witnessing
the thunder of our peoples' tears,
all their piss stains of grief eternal.
Thank the universe for the blues.
And thank that universe
for the eternal blackness of you
telling our weary ears
to listen to the sacred silence
of the cameras in the empty parking lots,
to hear the sole/soul message
of how we did, do, shall live.
I am the parking lot,
empty and asking
you what is the best deal to make with Death and God.
But I know the answer --do I not--written in the stone
of your gendered grammar?
Thank the universe for the blues.
Jerry W. Ward,
Jr. 2/5/2021 11:04:44 PM
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