preface for a blog
Preface for a blog
on COVID-19, 7 February 2021
Put "market nihilism" in your search engine. Among the results you may find a sobering podcast "Hidden Forces," moderated by Demetri Kofinasm an amoral conversation between Ben Hunt and Grant Williams on "Market Nihilism: Price Discover in a World Where Nothing Matters." The podcast is designed to convince you that narrative is the historical bane of human being in this world. You know neither whether Hunt, Williams, and Kofinasm are real people, nor would sonic analysis get you closer to truth. The sounds you hear could be produced by skilled actors. The situation forces you to be a contrarian without your volition. "False truth" can be performed with convincing alacrity. That you breathe enriched pollutants (designer misinformation) with each breath renders you virtually powerless. The majority of American citizens have no clue about how thoroughly they are managed by one narrative or another. They are forbidden to know because value is cast to the tempest and nothing matters. Read Hunt's Epsilon Theory at COVID makes demons of us all, and the ghost of Nietzsche laughs that we are so ignorant about the nature of nihilism.
Jerry W. Ward, Jr.
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