



Conversations with friends during pandemic terrorism convinced us that paradoxes and contradictions bloomed when the Something of the Universe planted human life on Earth.  The Something, a mercurial power, endowed humans with the ability to stupid (and superbly evil) and the ability to be wise (and remarkably good) ;  the Something gave them the power to love  infinite confusion. According to the few surviving Dead Sea Scrolls, human beings succeeded in liberating themselves from the curse of being human. Thanks to drugs and technological innovations. they evolved into blissful robots who held misery to be the highest good. The Something was not pleased.  The Something un-created the bitter Earth, erased the speed of light, and initiated the Era of the Black W(hole).  We are skeptical of sacred twaddle, of disinformation concerning the End of Time.  Time has not yet ended.  None of us have ever seen a happy machine on Earth.  We suspect that 21st-century humans cultivated brazen lies about Something.  Our artists, scientists and intellectuals are now sweating out a new history.  It is doubtful they will capture truth in their narratives, because truth is immune to the enslavements of writing, of mere literature. There are no consensual answers.  There are only  cooperative responses.


Our actions are predicated on pseudo-objectivity and pseudo-certitude and belief that love must be protected and treasured.  We are not cowards of the kind who flourished, for example,  in the 21st-century United States of America. We do not hesitate to affirm that alle Nationen der Welt sind Scheißehause. We occupy overground and underground simultaneously. We now suspect we live on the sweet Earth.


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