To be addressed at a beach
she thought most square.
To be called to a window to see
what ought to be heard.
What might sting like a mosquito
infecting one with knowledge.
She thought of Yeats, of Leda, of time,
the coming of a terrifying swan.
Did he say the sea's calm, tamed by moonbeams,
when sound visualized is turbulent?
Is music's allegory of war
no more than conceits of violence
gathering to clash in the death of light?
How violated can a body be?
What's put in pain
by a mosquito's ignorant gift,
by its eternal tweet of sadness,
by retarded misery's ebb and flow
and slow torture of climate changing?
Such faith, such hope, such charity
did Antigone, imitating Isis, sprinkle on a corpse.
Honi soit qui mal y pense
and mea culpa invades the heart.
Tragedy has gone with the breeze
somewhere to fall apart in another country,
t o alarm with lack of joy, love, light,
certitude, peace impossible for bloody jewels to restore.
She thought he murmured a snatch of fatal allegory:
"…let us be true/ to one another!"
She thought she was a dream, a dissonance
arising from a mosquito's donation.
She thought of her mind and his
sinking in the quicksand of a beach
as poetic armies clashed that night.
Jerry W. Ward, Jr. September 16, 2019
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