reckoning in the time of COVID
RECKONING IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 Harris-DeBerry, Kelly. Freedom Knows My Name . New Orleans: Xavier Review Press, 2020. In the current discussions of non-hoax mythologies, of art and social justice in the contexts of COVID-19, we are required to think about poetry and crisis or the poetic management of trauma. The measurable outcomes of our reading poems is anecdotal not empirical; as is the case with our being chastened by DeMaris B. Hill's A Bound Woman is a Dangerous Thing (2019), our willingness to be "corrected" is strictly a matter of an individual's tastes. The success of Hill's work indicates she has readers who are alarmed or angry or both regarding America's continuing and historically complex abuse of black women. We don't have sufficient information about American readers to say much beyond that. No matter how much literary success is measured by book sales, we still l...