last resort

 Had President Barack Obama behaved at any point during his time in office like D. J. Trump, we'd be sitting on the ground and telling sad histories.  Obama would either have been assassinated or kicked out of office and sent to a hospital for the criminally insane.  Either action would have been taken in the name of national security.  Before 2017 democracy mattered.  According to Trump, democracy matters very little.  He defecates daily on the dignity of his office, successfully cheapening the value of American democracy.  It is hard to be a patriot in a shithouse nation. Read the novels of Ishmael Reed to get the picture.

Coping with pandemic is difficult, but living in a dying democracy is an implacable horror.  It does not help that American news media and our Congress are incapable of saying in plain language that Trump is pathological. Only those of us who recognize how he has enabled the "rule of law" to become an instrument of fascism can do the saying. We should transform saying into voting before or on November 3, 2020.  If by hook and crook Trump and his tribe invalidate the electoral process, we must take measures of last resort.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.


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