At the moment




Global pandemic abates slowly.  It abates in a slow hurry.


People find themselves (or what they vainly believe is their selves) incarcerated in what chaos, COVID-19(plus emerging variants), and chaos make possible. Absurdity is dominant.  Human being are vulnerable, sublimely vulnerable.  Whatever can go wrong does go wrong.  Goes wrong with alacrity. People are under surveillance 24/7. Digital algorithms know more about our purchasing habits, our faith or lack of faith, and our physical and mental conditions than we ourselves know.


Damn.  The color of law.  The color of office. MATRIX is an accurate metaphor for NOW.


Each day we fight back to ensure that struggle itself does not kill us.  Sometimes, we win the battle.

Never, never, do we win the war.  We get decimated by invisible defeat.


Brave New World.  Fahrenheit 451. 1984. Animal Farm.  Read these books.  What was once fiction is now fact.


Do we still possess free will, or was free will also a fiction? We can, whatever the case, move forward to avoid  utter and abject oblivion.  Do not pretend to be surprised should we fail. We live in the OT not the NT. That is the IS of is, IS/IS of the actual.  I resign.  I make peace with inevitable humanity.


Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            October 14, 2021



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