the ends of April



(random thoughts on Friday)


Pandemic is a poor reason for becoming an alcoholic.  It is a fantastic excuse for being a wino.


According to the Corporate Internship Leadership Institute, college students are commodities. Ah, capitalism, I need x-ray eyeglasses to read you , to read how human beings are traded on Wall Street.


Pandemic makes me aware of confinement and duration.  When I was very young, time moved like molasses.  A week did not pass quickly.  It waddled along  like a Peabody Hotel duck.


When I taught college courses, Fridays were special.  They marked the beginning of weekend relief. Pandemic makes Fridays advents of anxiety.  Time and my body are rushing me to a terminal.  The journey to casket or coffin or an undistinguished hole in the ground would not be so bad if COVID-19 did not exist, if pandemic did not limit my options.  These days I wear a mask in an invisible cell.  I know what and why an inmate curses.


Pandemic terrorizes me (and a billion other people I suppose) with unending tragic news and a surplus of instant raw data.  I have given up on trying to make sense of what is happening around the globe. Esther Phillips and Curtis Mayfield sing my theme songs.  And Tina Turner, our finest example of pure poetry,  almost convinces me that many African American women know the secret of remaining young forever. She gives eyesight to the blind.


Does anyone I know read Vital Speeches of the Day?

 I spend time writing vital speeches of the night about absurdity.


This morning I discovered a new example of absurdity, namely an online site called Uncyclopedia, a comic parody of Wikipedia.  Uncyclopedia's entry on "scatology" begins  ----"Scatology is a newly-flourishing field of scientific study that has come into prominence only in the last twenty years. With the emergence of more foul-mouthed and smell-liking people in the last decade, however, it is a field that has exploded in popularity …especially with new college students."  This entry is a beautiful lie but an astute commentary on the American mindscape of 2021. Our nation has wildly embraced political scatology as it pollutes ethics and morality.


Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            4/30/2021 10:43:47 AM


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