cyber terrorism




It began as an excellent video-conference on the life and work of Anne Moody, a 1964 graduate of Tougaloo College.  Leigh Ann Wheeler was sharing her research on Moody with special emphasis on how the author of Erwachen in Mississippi: Eine Autobiographie was received in Europe, particularly in Germany.  Wheeler was displaying some very rare footage of German interviews with Moody in the 1970s. Some of the listeners had been Moody's classmates.  Without warning, the conference was zoom-bombed.  Extreme radicals, lovers of anarchy, attacked with vulgar, racist, neo-Nazi, homophobic, and barbaric screaming and very loud, distractive music (pure noise really).  We were hearing January 6, 2021 in video-time.  We were no longer remote from chaos; we were the targets of chaos and hate.


In the future,  zoom-conference organizers will have to take extreme measures to minimize cyber terrorism.  Only the host and the presenter (s)  should appear on the screen, as is the case with the well-organized Monday programs from the Beinecke.  Other participants should  neither appear on the screen nor have audio access.  That will be a small price to pay for the opportunity to watch the construction of knowledge.  I should exercise my First Amendment right to insult the anarchists in German, but there is no profit in becoming an agent in right/left-wing  fascist/antifa insanity.  No profit.


Jerry W. Ward, Jr             March 23, 2021


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