Notes on a Tougaloo College Writer
Notes on a novel by Candice Love Jackson Exposure in Southern literature is useful. It helps readers to set straight misbegotten notions. One of Faulkner's major contributions to discourses on the uncertainty of historical narratives is Absalom, Absalom . Likewise, in her second novel Finding His Treasure (2020), Candice Love Jackson sets readers straight about psychodramas and diversity in the lives of middle-class African Americans in pre-pandemic Mississippi. Faulkner's contribution to modernist fiction was bought with stereotyped coins; Jackson's, with iconoclastic dollars. Southern exposure fails as exposure unless one recognizes how remote it is from politically correct "colourblindness." One can appreciate innovative features in Jackson's second novel without having read her debut novel Deserving Grace (2019. There is a special treat, of course, in having insider knowledge about the first novel, ...