the prospect of dying forever

The Prospect of Dying Forever

On the brink of Summer 2020, you are entitled to be reductive and subjective  and convinced that the total population of the United States can be divided into Group A and Group B.  The people in Group A are Jesus-whipped believers, saturated with Christian empathy and willing to embrace their enemies with love.  They come in many colors.  It is difficult for them to balance OT wisdom with NT hype.  They believe it is God's will that young African American girls and boys, women and men, should be murdered weekly if not daily.  They believe it is God's will that they should be complicit in benign genocide, a phenomenon born during Reconstruction.  We find a number of heretics among them, the protesters in the streets  of our nation who find little profit in mere prayer and much solace in saying loudly that their lives matter, religious delusions notwithstanding.  Their ranks have been successfully infiltrated by neo-COINTELPRO operatives whose mission is to discredit genuine protest and to displace commendable uses of the First Amendment  with opportunistic violence and anarchy.  Social media and televised/world-wide-webbed journalism befuddle you with superficial information (and entertainment-driven disinformation)  about the historical roots of the Unholy Trinity of 2020: COVID-19, adamant police-violence that fails to discriminate between the innocent and the guilty, and climate changes.  It ought not surprise you that many young activists of all colors are saying in the motions of last resort "To hell with dying forever."

Group B worships faithfully in temples, cathedrals, and grand monuments devoted to the preservation of white supremacy.  People in this group are Satan-pampered, often unwittingly so. They take the knee for white supremacy by any means -----violence, chanting the gospel of America's founding racial contract, the vow to commit the destruction of the Earth as they suddenly  recognize they are a minority in the world's total population.  They bray in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.  They are inspired by the Donald Trump playbook .  You should suspect that some people in Group B are convinced Trump is the Messiah, the savior of the 21st century in the USA.  You should know that the majority of people in Group B are willing to do whatever they can to ensure that large numbers of African Americans are targeted for death. If you opt to be the proverbial village idiot, you proclaim Group B can be redeemed.  Wrong.  You are merely proclaiming  that you are ignorant with regard to the international functions of systemic racism.

In "Black Death is America's Ethos: The Coherence of Anti-Black Racism in the COVID-19 Crisis, "a brilliant essay in the special issue of Konch magazine  on the virus -----access J. Curry concludes

Black Americans are meant to die from health disparities and disease deliberately, and white democratic societies create these conditions to increase the likelihood that Black people remain an impoverished and inferior racial stock.

And I add an ugly supplement to Curry's  conclusion.  If African Americans (and the  very small number of true allies they can trust)  do not annihilate those conditions and replace them with pragmatic, secular conditions that respect the dignity of human life, we shall find ourselves asking each day of each year "Who is the black woman or man I am supposed to cry for today?"  Enough is enough.  My tears are stone.  Black people are not obligated by any natural law I can imagine to perpetuate the cycles of black death which have prevailed for 400 + years. Enough is enough.    Very soon we must decide what non-Black Americans are meant to die from !

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            6/15/2020 10:37:42 PM


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