Those Savages


"When one has got to make correct entries, one comes to hate those savages --hate them  to the death."

Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

Look, and say can you see

what you must see

in the darkness of the heart.

Does hating them, those savages

dispensing venom, divisions, vices,

perpetual discord, constitutional pains,

ever suffice, ever resolve

the tyranny of misery?

Can terror be brought or bought

to civilize a savage mind?

No doubt, in the lurid murdering

of democracy, terror has purpose.---

judicious battle of hell balm

with the holy water of heaven,

the telos of the floral rainbow.

Make correct entries in the vortex of eternal violence.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.                            2/23/2020 9:00:00 PM


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