saving democracy


Louisiana voters created their own rainbow sign (with help from the supreme spirits of the cosmos) and re-elected Governor John Bel Edwards.  Good.  Listen to George Frederick Handel's "THE MESSIAH" and arm yourselves with weapons of intelligence for protracted battles in 2020.   Organize and educate from January to October 2020; demand that elected officials do the right thing, create robust policies to restore belief in democracy, and renounce the corruption that brings them great comfort.

Democrats must work 24/7/365 to reclaim common sense, and perhaps it is not too late for more Republicans to liberate themselves from designer blindness and vulgarity.  It is obvious that Democrats will not defeat Trump and his tribe in 2020 and reduce the mockery of American neo-fascism with a noisy wagon of promises they can't ever keep  and no comprehensive plan of political actions.  The want-to-be Democratic  Presidents promise too much, diminish  credibility,  and confuse voters day after day after day.  What the hell are they thinking?

As Democrats seek to discover solid reasons to impeach the PLOTUS, they must either disprove or confirm an allegation made in Joseph Rosen's article "  'Ukraine-Gate' Hides Real Ukraine

scandal in Plain Sight,"  Workers Voice 2.17 (November 2019): 8.  Rosen alleges

"Eager to replace a relatively Russian-aligned government with one that would more readily yield to U.S. colonial desires, the U.S. State Dept. and CIA leapt at the chance to lend their support to an insurrection against the elected government of  Viktor Yanukovych in 2013/2014.  That the 2014 coup was carried out by violent Neo-Nazi gangs did not bother Obama, Clinton, or Biden in the least.  All they wanted was a Ukraine 'open for U.S. business."

Perhaps Rosen is broadcasting a grand lie.  Perhaps he is telling a half-truth.  Perhaps such corruption continues to exist in the Ukraine, and perhaps Marie Yovanovitch , the ambassador Trump hastily recalled and accused of incompetence, knows a great deal more about Neo-Nazis than her diplomatic professionalism allows her to disclose in open or closed sessions with impeachment investigators.  Trump's attacks on her person may be a Shakespearean code for her assassination. Who knows?

Whatever the case might be, full disclosure of a truth has to be made for American citizens. The disclosure needs to be made in tandem with persuasive plans to save and improve democracy, plans that may indeed echo Roosevelt's NEW DEAL of the 1930s in a new key.  Repair of our crumbling national infrastructures is absolutely necessary.  Equally necessary are plans to address climate change, the widening gap between wealth and poverty, the enormous problems of despair, trauma, and mental illness that afflict American citizens, restoration of meaningful education at all levels, the creation of dignified jobs and  appropriately rewarded labor, minimizing gender inequity, and reducing off-the-chain madness among some police officers and the current impotence of legal remedies under a fractured rule of law.  Yes, Democrats have an obligation to save and improve democracy.  But first they must save and improve themselves.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            November 17, 2019


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