

The strong among us dwell, graze,

or gaze upon the festering ego;

each flap of its blind hands

applauds a lurid actuality ---

advent of the dust-person,

dry from the luminous swamp

where liquid embers

make a holocaust

no god nor God  gives notice.

Impeach. Re-preach.  Un-scripture  things.

In the surface of the text

fire contends with fire.

The ends of a rainbow must be

finality I assume, must propagate

dangers in Eden never known.

And yet again the strong presume

a reward for being human, dumbly tolerant

of faith-absent realities

strutting in the metaphor of a stage.

Why women, men, children

do you enact over and moreover

political masques of damnation,

fruits that ripen to negate Creation.

Impeach infinitude.  Impeach oblivion.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.                            November 22, 2019


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