14 slapshots


1.       Racism and Prejudice ---the dog whistles are code words that signal hatreds

2.       Our nation adores fifty shades of cultural narcissism and abject insanity

3.       White supremacy is enchanted by Social Dominance Orientation;  red supremacy is guided by Nature; yellow supremacy is yellow supremacy is yellow supremacy; brown supremacy is the ultimate fiction; black supremacy is in love with Love.

4.       Authoritarian personality is shamelessly nude

5.       Everywhere the collective ego of the nation murders ethics and morality  in the magic matrix of a holocaust

6.       Science and imperfect application of Terror Management Theory oil the pathway to Oblivion

7.       John Milton's seductive  apology for regicide is a  Bearden collage which induces blindness which Medusa envies

8.       Citizens of the world  are eternally paralyzed by the theater of the absurd

9.       Fire's revenge in the West  =  Water's  in the East; someone has erased the rainbow and the sunbow

10.   The mindscape of our nation  is duck-stepping to the  brink of imploding

11.   Genocide is the supreme court of public opinion; the legislative branch of partisan hypocrisy; the executive branch of besmirched cognition

12.   Fear has incarcerated child, woman, and man in the stone of silence

13.   Social media is unaesthetic and obese

14.   Critical thinking, uncommon sense and maculate civilization make common cause sponsoring the death of Planet Earth

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            November 6, 2019


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