an unfound poem


You did terrific, boy, terrific.

  (Yes, I used your skills).

You exceeded  presidential regress.

(Yes, I used your knowledge).

You want to drain your swamp.

(Yes, I am glad you failed to fill it in).

Don't trust nasty woman Merkel,  boy, or nasty man Macron;

buy Javelins from us. And mission possible playlists.

 (Yes, I am willing perhaps, willing perhaps to sign, seal, and  signify ).

And do me a favor, boy.  Instigate Biden and son.

I really mean post-vegetate the  Bullstrike

and bitch-brewed  faux-news. and unholy  ghosts.  They re-danger me.  Do me a favor.

(Yes, you think me  an incompetent performer?)

I'll send Rudy to sniff you out, boy,  and send  no aid

if you don't dark-damn the witches well.

(Yes, did you think I have no morals, no integrity?  Do you think?)

I have glad water for your stay at Tower T, boy.

(Yes, I'll take your plane which is better than mine

because I have a better mind).

This has been perfect for 7/25/19, boy.

(Yes, the perfect incredibility of  a you-trained-me  dog).

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            September 25, 2019


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