notes for a 2019 poem
Notes for a 2019 Poem
Be afraid.
Tricentennial masquerade is over.
2019 is the year, surely you can recall, 1919
will interrogate, by dint of academic obscurity,
the rites, the riots, the reasons
in domestic terror, treachery, and treasons.
Render unto its gold-plated idol/icon of a god
her properties and lynch her with prayers of love.
Close readings of close reading of closest readings.
History is a deck of twelve aces.
It is everybody's business and nobody's fault.
Literate tongues drool, explicate and exorcise.
Let there be light, pain-filled recovery of intelligence.
There is no sanctuary for a Red Summer,
a Red Scare, a Red reading of a near truth.
Waves of molasses wash Boston when telephones emit no
The Jass Age begins with renaissance
of bathroom gin and bedroom sin
and the signing of Amendment 18.
When tiny rain taps a tin roof
anarchy, espionage, and ethnic washing of whiteness begin
in misruling of the law, the tragedy of knife and saw
invading flesh and bone.
Close readings of closer reading of closest readings.
Yes, Cleveland is in this room
in conversation with
Mississippi hamlets, towns, and mansions,
Charleston, Chicago, and Elaine,
and Felix the Cat and Rastus the Rat
and mind-freezing visuals
of Ripley's song: believe it or not.
Yes, the hurricane of the Florida Keys
shall sing classical hip hop blues of what wasn't terminal
in 76 lynchings and 25 riots
as the Treaty of Versailles
persuaded black socks and white to make a travesty of
and any sport a mind conceived
when the North is South and the South is North
and East confused with West.
In the ides of March
the infant Nat King Cole
sang the sweet rue of just how
unforgettable the world would be,
a fit prelude
for Toomer's talk of Cain
and Anne Spencer's analysis of Abel
on her Lynchburg kitchen table.
Did woman of no color scurry down her pedestal
to embrace Amendment 19 and tell lies about Malindy's
as her sisters douched like whores of hate
and trafficked in transgendered
as her brothers gaily deployed tree, rope, chains,
guns, fires, corkscrews, tar, and other tools of torture
and barked lies of rapes that never were ?
Close readings of closest reading of closest readings.
Tell once more the American story
of transcendent glory
in a human barbeque, digital this time.
Tell yet once more
the details (sordid and sour) of the 1919 story
that 2019 must ingest and vomit
in abject veneration
for the trinity of ear, genitals, and eye
in the drugstore jar
and for bodies in aesthetic disarray on postal cards.
Tell yet once more
Close readings of close reading of closest readings.
History is a deck of twelve aces.
It is everybody's business and nobody's fault.
Jerry W. Ward, Jr. December 8, 2018
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