America Speaking


In an online letter of November 7, 2018, Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, proclaimed:

"America spoke powerfully last night  --- rejecting the hate and lies of President Trump and delivering a forceful rebuke to his white nationalist agenda.

Not only did we see a shift in the balance of power in Congress, but record turnout, a sign that voter enthusiasm is high.

And it was a historic night in other ways as well."

These assertions are excellent bits of liberal propaganda.  The third sentence approaches a truth; the first and second meander toward nonsense and hyperbole and a fiction of desire.  Were the assertions expressed from a conservative perspective,  they would propose that America confirmed how judicious is President Trump's nationalist agenda and pardoned his erratic application of conservative principles. Conservative propaganda would assure readers that a "shift in the balance of power in Congress" is merely a temporary, inconvenient aberration.  From whatever angle one listens to America speaking, one hears nothing more than swamp chatter and the frustrating hissing of swamp critters.

The results of the midterm elections do provide evidence of small changes.  Having a few more women in Congress will change how Americas speak about gender and politics, but that fact is cosmetic.  It isn't a magic cure for terminal pre-existing  illness.  It does not effectively retard the apparent drift of our nation into the bowels of fascism where excrement is produced , nor does it significantly alter what is systemic about historically ingrained hatred, amoral capitalism, and prevailing inequity. It is simply tragic that social media and mass media aid, abet, and multiply what is hastening our nation to an insane final solution.

As Americans talk themselves into eradicating IN GOD WE TRUST and replacing those words with

 IN TRUMP WE DISTRUST TRUST, they use the ballot to reject the sanctity of reason and rebuke the rule of law.  They flood, and will ever flood,  the swamp with ideological hypocrisy.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            November 8, 2018


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