Cinematic Interrogation
Accidents of opportunity have made this a week of
Monday, October 22
---"Cane River" (1982) forced you to meditate on your color and
blood-talk documented Creole ancestry
Friday, October 26
--"Dry" (2014) invited you to think about vesicovaginal fistula in
Nigeria and what many African Americans quite too easily trivialize and
romanticize about their print-documented ancestry
Accidents of chance have made this a week of reflection
and refraction.
Do you want to
holler, to make sounds no one shall hear?
Do you want to take a vow of silence, to expose uncertainty to the
multi-angled, ironic gazes of the
disinterested world in which you live? Triage isn't exactly an easy task, is
It is enough ( necessary and sufficient ) to say that cinema is a tool for witnessing. For awkward confession. What follows the visual ending of a film is
the advent of torment. Universal and
impersonal torment. Filmmakers beware.
What you plant can grow crookedly or straight in the soil
of the mind.
Look carefully at the flowers of evil which bloomed after
viewing these two films.
(1) The orchid of
despair -----benign genocide shall not disappear until systemic racism dies.
(2) The rose of hope ----after one thousand seasons (years) the
continent of Africa shall reunite the above-Saharan and the sub-Saharan and
come to its senses. At that time, Europe
and the Americas shall be wastelands and Asia shall be the frontier of last resort for humanity.
Accidents of chance have made this a week for crafting
burial urns.
Jerry W. Ward, Jr. October 27, 2018
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