2nd epistle to the wretched and the damned

Second Epistle to the Wretched and the Damned

If it is the mission of Candace Owens, Communications Director of Turning Point USA, "to help minority groups escape the Left's victim narrative," she fails brilliantly.  She is not an idiot, a mentally challenged human being.  She is an actress just as President Trump is an actor, a person who plays a role for an audience by playing the auditors and viewers as if they have booked passage on a ship of fools.  To a degree that ought to give us pause, she may be more innately intelligent than Trump.  Let us give her credit for her ability to deceive, to misinform listeners with fractional "truths" that crumble under scrutiny, to give voice to amoral lies.  She authenticates belief that BLACK LIES MATTER.

Owens was the invited speaker in the Brain Food series at Dillard University on October 8, 2018.  Irony of ironies.  If one is paid to deliver brain food ----what in antiquity was known as "food for thought," one must know how to prepare and cook the food and then serve it up by way of a decently aesthetic presentation.  If the food is primarily composed of elements that belong to critical, conservative thought or ideology, if it is prepared to be an antidote to the toxins of health-damaging liberal desserts, it has to be cooked according to recipes other than those tweeted in an Age of Trump cookbook.  It seems probable that Owens dislocated the joy of cooking with the joy of seasoning her dishes with an excess of fallacy as she moved by her own admission from being a liberal to being a conservative.  Please access one version of what that journey entailed from the interview she granted to the Rubin Report, September 28, 2017 at   http://www.rubinreport.com/donate

Owen opened her talk at Dillard University with a comic video of "coming out" to one's parents first as a gay person and then announcing that one is a conservative.  It would ruin the comedy if one inserted persuasive definitions of "gay" and "conservative."  The comedy pivots on the actors being anti-persuasive and essentially absurd.  Showing the video before she spoke set a disturbing tone for what I hoped would have been a powerful  and genuinely "conservative" lecture.  The proverbial cat came out of the bag when Owens informed us that the white liberal Left played on the emotions of African Americans in order to obtain and maintain power. Most of the people in the audience reacted strongly to how she disrespected their intelligence.  They paid her back with the disrespect of disrupting the progress of her performance.  In response to her claim about liberals and emotions, I wrote out this question:  Does President Trump not play upon the emotions of his so-called base in order to achieve power?  When President Kimbrough read my question to her, she responded with a non-answer.  I was not surprised.  I was offended, offended to the point of leaving the auditorium.  It is wise to leave a scene before one begins to create another scene by uttering Satanic curses.

If Owens knew more about American and African American history, knew more about the authentic conservative thought   and black thinking that is not predicated on the unexamined  claims and the free dispersing of dubious statistics for which one does not specify sources, she might better accomplish her mission.  Unfortunately, I am left to think that Candace Owens wants to serve audiences little more than imitation conservatism garnished with unhinged ideas.  Let us pray that she may one day recognize precisely what kind of tool she is.


Jerry W. Ward, Jr.

October 8, 2018


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