National Disgrace
NATIONAL DISGRACE : A tantalizing novella Although we ought not confuse the news (daily, fact-checkable, non-fiction stories and commentaries) with literature (combinations of the news and imagined possibilities for which there are no facts to check), it is often tempting, even impossible, to avoid doing so. Narratives excavate passions; they implant ideas. People who give scant attention to classifying and evaluating narratives seem to get on with life better than people who are preoccupied with literary and/or cultural criticism. It is wrongheaded, however, to assume they are innately inferior to people who delight in theorizing everything. They are not. They simply abuse visual and verbal fallacies differently. We are not omniscient. Our critical thinking can be compromised by ideology and the magnet of common sense. As Barbara Christian suggested in her famous essay "The Race for Theory "(1987), language has equal op...