Evaporating Whiteness, Part Two


The dystopian dream is potent.  It authorizes D. H. Lawrence to pour old British wine in new American bottles. Neither the logic of national security  nor Faustian mea culpa and recanting shall hinder the progress of the dream.  Roger the thought.

As Lawrence famously noted in "Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter" (Chapter 7 of Studies in Classic American Literature), "[t]he blood must be shed, says Jesus. / Shed on the cross of our own divided psyche. / Shed the blood, and you become mind-conscious.  Eat the body and drink the blood, self-cannibalizing, and you become extremely conscious, like Americans and some Hindus.  Devour yourself, and God knows what a lot you'll know, what a lot you'll be conscious of. / Mind you don't choke yourself." Pour the truth, Lawrence. Pour.  "The black, vengeful soul of the crippled, masterful male, still dark in his authority: and the white ghastliness of the fallen saint!  The two halves of manhood mutually destroying one another."  Pour.  Let evaporation be.

Who longed to be a white Negro?  Who?  Who longs to be a Roman Catholic cannibal, no matter how Protestant his mouth says he is?  Who?  This is my blood, says the POTUS. Drink it.  This is my body. Eat it.  Milk and honey  tremble in a golden bowl.  Communion is a witch-hunt. Puritanical. Who sings over the Ark of the Covenant  for your whiteness? Who? Who sings "Mammy" in blackface for how great thou art, America?  Who?  The thing from the Holy Land that came to America to be born? Know ye not the acid rain of Bob Kaufman? Know ye not yet how the heat is on, how the heat is making gas?

The next exhibit:  democracy copulating with fascism in the bed of treason to beget the infamy of nothingness. The obscene  terrorizing of FBI agent Peter Strzok on July 12, 2018.  C-SPAN  documented that fiasco of elected representatives.  Truth lied; it would not be still.  Yes, the dream. 1938 --House  Un-American Activities Committee created to investigate unpatriotic witches.  Changed its name in 1969 to House Committee on Internal Security in tepid fear of Black Power.  In 1975, after Richard Nixon proved he was not worthy to be white, the function of HCIS was transferred to the House Judiciary Committee. Despite the good intentions, President Obama failed.  The dream genuflects like an orgasm before the altar of bromance.  Your POTUSA had no shame, no diplomatic decency  in Helsinki.  Now you know the result with every red and blue beat of your heart.  Ain't no white. All you know, and need to know, is demonocracy. Drink the blood and eat the flesh of evaporation.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.                            July 18, 2018


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