Arming Our Minds
a special message to the VICs (very important citizens) of New Orleans,
Representative Cedric Richmond is scheduled to have a
conversation with Senator Elizabeth Warren at Dillard University on August 3,
2018. That conversation may produce some
insights we can use in deciding how to vote on November 6.
In addition to listening to that conversation, a few of
us might want to study the recent in-depth analysis "America the Trumped: 10 Ways the
Administration Attacked Civil Rights in Year One" (2018) from the
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). In
the Age of Trump, Terror, and Treason,
critical thinking about politics is not a luxury. It is as necessary as water.
The SPLC report addresses ten topics ----
1. promoting
white nationalism
2. slashing
civil rights enforcement
3. revving
up the deportation machine
4. banning
5. attacking
voting rights
6. shredding
LGBT protections
7. encouraging
police abuses
8. reviving
debtors' prisons
9. undermining
public education
10. eroding
the right of students with disabilities
All these topics are important, but topics 7 and 9 may be
of greater importance than the others for VICs in NOLA.
Consider the love/hate relationship we have with the New
Orleans Police Department (NOPD) and the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office (OPSO)
and the consent decrees they are obligated to honor. Consider the shameless,
strategic firing of experienced, dedicated public school teachers and their
being replaced with green, charter school instructors who may or may not have
had a clue about how to educate the students traumatized by Katrina and
flooding in 2005. We can and must
discourage police (and prison) abuses by holding NOPD and OPSO accountable. We can and should use the ballot to elect
people to the Orleans Parish School Board who are earnestly dedicated to
restoring public confidence in public education rather than selling the opiates
of privatized education in charter schools.
Please do not be one of "the poorly educated"
voters then Candidate Trump proclaimed he loved in Las Vegas on February 23,
2016. It may be in the best interests of
certain American billionaires to enlarge the population of the poorly
educated. It is doubtful that our best
interests are identical with theirs.
Maximize your uncommon common sense.
Listen well. Address tough,
brutal, reason-based questions to all candidates for office before
November. Scrutinize the answers you
receive. Vote intelligently.
Jerry W. Ward, Jr. July
23, 2018
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