professional activities 2017

Professional Activities 2017                                                        Jerry W. Ward, Jr.

January 6 ----     Conversation with 3rd Graders, Grandville T. Woods Elementary School,

                                Kenner, LA

January 10 ----Interview with Susan Larson, "The Reading Life," WWNO 98.9 FM, New Orleans, LA

February 2 ---Reading FRACTAL SONG, Antenna Gallery, New Orleans, LA

March 25 ---Orleans Parish Election Commissioner, Ward 14, Precinct 10

March 26 --"The Way of the Poet" panel, Tennessee Williams Festival, New Orleans, LA

                with Bill Lavender, Stacey Balkun, Peter Cooley, and Rodney Jones.

March 28-31 ---Member, External Review Team, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences,

                University of the Virgin Islands (St. Thomas and St. Croix)

April 29 ---Orleans Parish Election Commissioner, Ward 14, Precinct 10

May 11---Moderator, Screening of "James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket"

                Ashe Cultural Arts Center, New Orleans

June 5 ---Review of article manuscript for African American Review

June 16 --Reader," Bloomsday,"  Crescent City Books, New Orleans

July 3 ---Reading "Endings" (poem) for "Jazz from the French Market" special tribute to Lolis Edward Elie,

                WWOZ (90.7 FM), New Orleans

July 17--Meeting, Jail Population Management Subcommittee of the Sanford "Sandy" Krasnoff Criminal

                Justice Council, City Hall, New Orleans

July 29 ---Meeting, Safety and Justice Challenge Community Advisory Group, Corpus Christi,

                2022 St. Bernard Ave., New Orleans

August 25 -- Meeting, Jail Population Management Subcommittee of the Sanford "Sandy" Krasnoff       Criminal Justice Council, City Hall, New Orleans

August 26 -- Meeting, Safety and Justice Challenge Community Advisory Group, Bethlehem Lutheran

                Church, 1823 Washington Ave., New Orleans


September 2 ---St. Raymond and St. Leo Social Action Voter Registration Drive, St. Raymond St. Leo the              Great Roman Catholic Church, New Orleans

September 18 -- Meeting, Jail Population Management Subcommittee of the Sanford "Sandy" Krasnoff              Criminal Justice Council, City Hall, New Orleans

September 23- --9th Annual Douglas Redd Cultural Summit

                Moderator, "The State of Black Arts in New Orleans,"

                Ashe Cultural Arts Center, New Orleans, LA

September 28 ---Taped discussion of October 14, 2017 election with Harold Clark, host, Sunday Journal               for  broadcast on Sunday, October 1, 2017, WYLD 98.5, New Orleans ,7:30 a.m.

October 12-14 ----The 2017 UNCF/Mellon Programs Conference

                The Westin Buckhead Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, GA

October 13 ----  Panelist, "Constructing Sites for Academic and Intellectual Excellence through                Mentoring: Working Against the Odds": An Intergenerational Conversation: The Tougaloo   Experience

                [with Miranda Freeman, Candice Love-Jackson, Stefan Wheelock, Julius Fleming, Jarvis McInnis]

October 23-24 ---Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL

October 23 --Taped radio interview with Kenny Anderson

October 23 --Lecture --"Terms of Engagement"

October 24 --Special conversation with English majors, special discussion with Department of English faculty

October 25 --Meeting, Safety and Justice Challenge Community Advisory Group, Strategic Outcomes   office, 1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., New Orleans, LA

November 5 ---Taped segment of video promo for Sleeper Cell  [staged version] with Michael "Quess"                 Moore, New Orleans

November 30 --Meeting, Action Committee of Safety and Justice Challenge Community Advisory Group,           at Innocence Project, 4051 UIloa Street, New Orleans, LA

December 2 --2017  City of New Orleans Neighborhood Summit,

December 6 --Meeting, Safety and Justice Challenge Community Advisory Group, Strategic Outcomes                 office, 1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd, New Orleans, LA

December 16---Presenter (for Richard Wright), Walk of Fame Star Installation,  Mississippi Arts +            Entertainment Experience, Meridian, MS


"White Buffalo in the End: A Prayer." Maple Leaf Rag  VI .  New Orleans: Portals Press, 2017. 139.

"Introduction." Journal of Ethnic American Literature 7 (2017): 4-6.

"China Kwansaba" and "USA Kwansaba." Valley Voices 17.1 (Spring 2017): 102.

"The Discipline of the Kwansaba." Journal of English Language and Literature 63.1 (2017): 115-128.

"Wright, Richard." The Mississippi Encyclopedia. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2017.


Review of "Byline, Richard Wright:  Articles from "The Daily Worker" and "New Masses." Ed. Erle V. Bryant.  Resources for American Literary Study. Volume 39 (2017): 393-395.

Online Publications

January 10 ---"January 20, 2017: Surreal Meditation."


January 19 --"Powell, Coates, Wideman & the Implications of Titles." ARTS-TODAY 3.11 (2017): 32-38.

January 20--"The Kenyan American President."

                http://bknation. org/2017/01/kenyan-american-president

February 13 ---"Lincoln's Birthday."


February 21 ---"Melville and Coetzee/Postcolonial Aberrations." ARTS-TODAY 3.12 (2017): 102-103.

March 13 -----"Remembering Dark and Splendid"


March 26 ---"A Note to Congress."  ARTS-TODAY 4.1 (2017): 104.

April 3 ---"Salvo for American Poetry Month"


April 10 ---Repost of "Strong Readers Reading the Difficult Long Poem"


April 17 ---"Lorenzo Thomas (1944-2005)"


April 20 ---"Instruments of Termination"


April 29 --"A Note to HBCU Presidents and Their Boards of Trustees." ARTS-TODAY 4.2 (2017): 24-25.

May 8 ---"A Note to Congress"


May 23 ---"The Joy of Refusing"


May 25 -----"reading the dystopia wherein you live (revisited)"


May 26---"The Decarceration of Black America

May 30 ---"Coltrane and Nadhiri"


July 4 ---"Preface to Reading Frederick Douglass"


July 2 ---"Between the World and Ta-Nehisi." ARTS-TODAY 4.5 (2017): 32.

August 20 --"Trump's Magnificat"    The New Verse News  20 Aug 17


October 1 --"Meditating on Wretchedness under a Strawberry Moon." ARTS-TODAY 4.7 (2017): 78.

October 10 ---"HYPE"


October 18---"Absent Evidence"  ARTS-TODAY 4.8 (2017): 67

November 6 ----"The Elegance of Grace."


December 2 ---"What Will Not Stay Dead." ARTS-TODAY 4.9 (2017): 156



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