

His [Poe's] laugher was of a single order: it was inhuman, and mixed with hysteria.

                Constance Rourke, American Humor: A Study of the National Character

In a time and space of never was

her blues consumed  his mind.

Her songs corkscrewed DNA

in his NRA bone-house.

A wild woman of decadent joy,

she twisted him into a consenting toy

Singing traumas, she mentored him

in the logic of absurd  faith.

All snow and roses was her face,

sweating drops of tepid grace.

And he, confused in love,

misunderstood her charity.

Branded for a fool, he fell

upon a sickle and spiraled into hell.

Splendid goddess of American fate,

carnal knowledge came  far too soon and much too late.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.                                            November 10, 2017


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