bedlam revisited


His wife's a trophy whore;

his daughter's a piece of ass;

his demon son's the Devil's spore,

bereft of human DNA and class.

A.            To the extent that the pronoun "we" refers to the number of American citizens, "we" are not a nation divided.  We are a nation fragmented.  We are millions of pieces of angry candy.  Each piece is frustrated, mystified by events that signal the amorality of Nature and by the baroque rhetoric that pretends to explain something.

B.            Logical statements about people, cultural phenomena, poverty and wealth,  moral goodness, pragmatic prudence, justice, compassion and civility, faith and redemption,  and respect for the dignity of human life are compromised.  In the Age of Trump, these statements can't avoid being transparently surreal.

C.            In British slang, "to trump" (intransitive verb) means "to fart."  One might trump after eating too many helpings of red beans and rice.  In our fragmented nation, tweets are farts.   It is patriotic to trump.

D.            Since January 2017, the United States of America has drifted steadily away from experiments with democracy into imperial lab testing of the power of fascism.  As they worship the Yahweh of White Supremacy  in the churches, synagogues, cathedrals, and temples of Mammon, members of the Tribe of Trump canonize fascist saints and revise the false histories that have demonized Hitler and Mussolini since the end of World War II.  They are great.  They are making great progress in making America great again.  In their practice of religion and in their theological documents, failure to trump ideologies with great noise, great force, and great odor is a great cardinal sin. The greater cardinal sin is failure to proclaim that cognitive dissonance is divine and dystopia is perfection.

E.              Those excluded from the Tribe of Trump have begun to murmur that President Barack Obama, his human limitations notwithstanding,  was the only 21st century statesman to endow the Office of President with intelligence and probity.

F.            If you impose an image of President Donald J. Trump over an image of a certain North Korean brat, you will see that the two creatures are identical.

G.            The words "In God we trust" on the dollar bill will be changed by Executive Order to read "In Ego we trust", and the Book of Revelation will be replaced with the Book of Trump: the Authorized Guidebook to the  American Theatre of the Absurd.

H.            In a near future, Executive Order 666-666-666 will mandate that all Federal, State, and local elected officials must successfully pass a course in Obedience 101 or have a lobotomy before they can render service to the Great United States of America.

I.             Pray that you die in your sleep before the advent of World War III and the implosion of the Great United States of America. 

J.`            The Rapture is ancient history.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.            October 11, 2017.


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