Youth and Politics

Youth and Politics

Hashim Walter is the youngest candidate in the mayor's race.  His running for office isn't a joke or a whim.  As a man who represents a future for politics in New Orleans, he is making  a serious gesture. It is reassuring that he has chosen to carry an enormous burden.

Despite his youth, Walters can provide valuable insights about priorities and new directions in governing.  We must give him respect.  We must also hold him to the same standards of honesty we demand of more experienced candidates for presenting a vision, convincing us his sense of duty is genuine, and answering questions about policies.

Before he discloses more about himself, I request that he answer one question we might not pose for other mayoral candidates.  How will he build a coalition of Native American, African American, Caucasian American, Latina/Latino American, and Asian American voters to support his candidacy?   His answer should provide candid and crucial information about the quality of his mind.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr.                            July 27, 2017


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