In the 1940s There was no need of a clock to tell you what your body told you to expect: the afternoon arrival of the Good Humor man with your chocolate-coated treat. When you have parents who know the exact moment a voice will ask and answer ------- "Who know what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows." you happily live in the shadow of radio, your private Inner Sanctum for the alone and ignorantly innocence, and you fear no evil as you enter the Inner Sanctum in the mystery of your radio, in the sanctuary of a child's aloneness. Your father, more brilliant than he admitted, favored Amos 'n Andy. Your mother, more blessed with virtue than she dared claim, got whatever she got from Our Gal Sunday, Stella Dallas, and Just Plain Bill. you happily live in the shadow of radio, in the tutoring of science fiction Saturdays, the paralysis of Perry Mason, the crime and...